Did you know that Chester County United Way is a Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) approved organization?
The Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) provides a PA state tax credit to businesses that donate to pre-kindergarten (Pre-K) scholarships through Chester County United Way.

Supporting local kids through this program can cost your business nothing – and may even put money back in your pocket.
Once you are approved for the EITC, you are able to make a donation to Chester County United Way for Pre-K scholarships, and then be reimbursed by the state through a PA state tax credit.
Tax credits for Pre-K Scholarship Organization donations (PKSO) are as follows:
- 100% back for the first $10,000
- 90% back for donations above $10,000, with a maximum donation level of $200,000 annually.
- Full amount of the contribution is deductible for federal tax purposes as a charitable contribution, subject to charitable contribution rules.
To learn more about how you can help Chester County kids while receiving a tax credit, contact Christina Wagoner, Senior Senior Vice President of Financial Development, at 610-429-9400 ext. 4101.