In the dynamic realm of technology, nonprofit organizations encounter significant hurdles in staying well-informed. Constrained resources, compact teams, and stringent budgets frequently place them at a disadvantage regarding cutting-edge innovations. As part of its social innovation initiatives, Chester County United Way has partnered with Penn State University to provide Chester County nonprofits and social enterprises with the tools they need to navigate these new technologies, including Artificial Intelligence (AI). The “AI for Impact” workshop, held at Chester County United Way headquarters, exceeded expectations by providing valuable insights into AI applications, dispelling fears associated with AI adoption, and fostering connections between AI college students and nonprofits for collaborative projects. This event marked a significant step forward in empowering nonprofits to harness the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to advance their missions.
“We appreciate the new partnership between Penn State and Chester County United Way to harness the power of the university to make Chester County a better place to live and work. This ‘AI for Impact’ workshop with Penn State Nittany AI Alliance and including students from Penn State Great Valley aimed to empower nonprofits and social enterprises with tools and knowledge to embrace the transformative potential of AI. It was a huge success, not only demystifying AI but also fostering innovative thinking, and it encouraged the development of AI-driven initiatives to propel their missions forward and create meaningful, sustainable impact for the community at large,” said Chris Saello, President and CEO of Chester County United Way. “More importantly, it gave students a new and ongoing opportunity to use what they learn in the classroom in real life scenarios while improving the capacity of those in the nonprofit sector who serve our community.”
Nine Chester County nonprofits and social enterprises participated in the workshop and gained a comprehensive understanding of AI’s potential applications and benefits, paving the way for future collaborations that leverage technology to address societal challenges.
Kelly Cockshaw, Director of Leadership and Innovation at Chester County United Way expressed gratitude for the positive feedback received from participants: “We are thrilled with the response to the ‘AI for Impact’ workshop. The interest and enthusiasm from nonprofits and students alike underscore the potential for AI to create positive change in our community.”
For more information about Chester County United Way’s Social Innovation Lab, please contact Kelly Cockshaw at kcockshaw@uwchestercounty.org or call 610-429-9400 x4107.